Mid-Suffolk trail

I recently happened across a YouTube video detailing on guy's journey through the appalachian mountain trial (all 2200 miles) which I "think" was partially from his disappointment in life circumstances or discontent at the state-of the world. I guess you call call it a coming of age type tale, but gimme 20-30 years to figure out if that's true or not... Either-way, from it I recognized my own unhappiness (yadda yadda) and thought "hey this is a cool idea, I could do that too" 2 hours of internet searches later, I figured 2200 miles of hiking over 6 months, and buying a bunch of gear I wasn't 100% familiar with was probably not the smartest idea. But what if there was another trial near where I live that wasn't so ridiculously long and could be done in a day? There is as it turns out. It's approximately 20 miles and not considered too difficult to walk by a couple of folks. https://ldwa.org.uk/ldp/members/show_path.php?menu_type=S&path_name=M...