
Showing posts from May, 2023

Mid-Suffolk trail

I recently happened across a YouTube video detailing on guy's journey through the appalachian mountain trial (all 2200 miles) which I "think" was partially from his disappointment in life circumstances or discontent at the state-of the world. I guess you call call it a coming of age type tale, but gimme 20-30 years to figure out if that's true or not... Either-way, from it I recognized my own unhappiness (yadda yadda) and thought "hey this is a cool idea, I could do that too" 2 hours of internet searches later, I figured 2200 miles of hiking over 6 months, and buying a bunch of gear I wasn't 100% familiar with was probably not the smartest idea. But what if there was another trial near where I live that wasn't so ridiculously long and could be done in a day? There is as it turns out. It's approximately 20 miles and not considered too difficult to walk by a couple of folks.


Well hello there! Greetings from across the internet, I am Oscar, and this is an introduction to "my blog". I suppose it's a bit old-fashioned, but this is my way of communicating simply random things I happen to be a little enthusiastic about which the rest of the world might be interested in - or just plain ridiculous. I'm an my career is based on engineer and science, I've  always been a little bit passionate  about  languages, reading books (at this points it's mostly greats or non-fi ction historical), writing (to a lesser extent) like poems or short stories. I have previous tried to draw a little but not particularly great at it, or things like photography and trying to be outside more often (like walks or runs). That should hopefully set the scene of what this is about - random subject matter and content. I'll try to give some background - but prepare yourself for limited context. Hope you enjoy! Oscar