Selling books...

Kinda a weird post this, but nevertheless probably something you'll have thought about doing - perhaps even recently - as the world turns to audiobooks and podcasts.

So after a couple of lukewarm car-boot sales and a handful of books still left unsold I turned to "weBuyAnyBooks" type apps, and here's a quick summary of each of the apps, just cause...

The books in question:

For these 11 books I tried 4 apps and the results are in the table and screenshots below

Table columns (left to right) total for books, no. of books, average per book, average market price %, and no. of books with highest market value.

This shows that Ziffit tops the leaderboard in many respects - although this is quite a small sample size in retrospect - purely based on the value offered for each of those books. However SellItBack does have the advantage of giving offers for more of those books and having a decent market value (based on the ratio of price offered versus maximum price from all sellers).

Screenshots of Baskets (from left to right) Ziffit, SellItBack, MusicMagpie, WeBuyBooks

This post isn't sponsored by any of these apps by the way, But I'm more likely to just go to a car boot anyways...

Until then



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